I have a degree in Psychology, and I am a career coach.
I am convinced that when people define a goal by following their own desires and they move forward with perseverance, determination, and strategy, they achieve what they want. Even if their goal seemed unreachable.
My goal is for you to take the decision to wake up and that you stop being in a place others defined for you, making you believe that the limits you put on yourself are real.
I help you get a job where your work is valued, they pay what you deserve, you can display your full potential and, last but not least, where you enjoy what you do.
How did I get here?
I started studying IT Engineering.
Despite having done 2 vocational tests which defined that hard sciences were the right path, I decide to abandon my degree. I start going to therapy, studying Psychology, and working in Recruiting for an HR consultancy (a big change, right?)
At the end of the year, I decide to resign to the consultancy and to fully dedicate myself to finishing my degree.
I start working at a school and in an NGO (with people with disabilities) for a couple of hours a week.
I start working for an NGO in Barrio Mugica with people in extremely vulnerable situations (addiction being the main issue).
I become part of the Barrio Mugica’s development project team for the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, and I graduate from Psychology a few months later.
I resign to the Government (I loved the project, but I let it consume me and I had a big burn out).
I start the year travelling to Thailand to meditate for two months (an experience that changed my life in many aspects). After returning from my trip, I start working as a recruiter in a US company and I take my first steps as a career coach.
In the middle of the pandemic, I start studying to become a meditation teacher, I resign to my job as a recruiter, I start working in two American companies as a career coach and CV writer, and I begin to consolidate my business as a career coach in Argentina and other countries.
I launch job search workshops, one-to-one coaching programs, webinars, free content in social media, collaborations with US companies, and I get to have 24K followers on LinkedIn, 7k on Tik Tok, and 3k on Instagram —an exposure level I would have never imagined.
I provide freelance Career Coaching services to 4 companies in the USA, and I offer Career Coaching and Psychotherapy services to clients in Argentina.
Estamos trabajando para ofrecer un programa que ayudará a Profesionales Analistas y Mandos Medios a revalorizar su trabajo, redefinir sus objetivos y conseguir un trabajo desafiante y valioso que les permita obtener la calidad de vida que desean.